

01 “Search each location for cats and make note”

02 "The segments in the sketch appear to match the wardrobes shelves"

03 “Who’s he looking at?”

04 “Work out where Henry can’t be assuming he has a cat to the left of him”

05 “Am I seeing double?”

06 “Look for a four letter code”

07 “There must be something the cats have in common with the fish”

08 "A letter by the door, on the desk, by the window, under the bed, in the wardrobe"

09 “Listen to the words”

10 “look for numbers in the words”

11 “turn this object round and put an ear to its base”

12 “is the sequence linked to time?”

13 “It has a curled handle”

14 “Each of these numbers has appeared somewhere before”


01 “There’s 11 cats in the wardrobe, 10 on the bed and 12 on the clock”

02 “Find the item and work out what number portion of the wardrobe it’s in”

03 “Follow from cat to cat, each stop has a number”

04 “Coco and Duffy can only go in one column”

05 “Make sure you are on the right side”

06 “If you take ME away from MISERY what are you left with?”

07 “How many syllables in each cat’s name?”

08 “Make a name that would suit ‘playing all night’”

09 “Can numbers be heard?”

10 “There’s numbers written on each of the top four lines”

11 “This object can be found in the wardrobe”

12 “If 24 represents hours in a day...”

13 “Not good luck to open indoors”

14 “the numbers are the answers to each of the previous puzzles.”


01 - 54 is the correct answer

02 - 23 is the correct answer

03 - 12 is the correct answer

04 - 41 is the correct answer

05 - 52 is the correct answer

06- 21 is the correct answer

07 - 28 is the correct answer

08 - 45 is the correct answer

09 - 19 is the correct answer

10 - 40 is the correct answer

11 - 39 is the correct answer

12 - 24 is the correct answer

13 - 46 is the correct answer

14 - 39 is the correct answer

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